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Inside the Bee Hive what honey bees do.  See eggs, larvae, Queen Laying Eggs, pollen, Condensation
Frederick Dunn

Inside the Bee Hive what honey bees do. See eggs, larvae, Queen Laying Eggs, pollen, Condensation

Inside the hive Close UP interior view of various honey bee behaviors. Hygienic varroa resistant honey bees doing what they do, laying eggs, storing pollen, waggle dancing, grooming, drones hatching, feeding larvae, tending brood frames. I have not had to treat for varroa destructor, why, because we haven't been able to find any. These bees are highly sensitive to the presence of varroa destructor and simply remove anything, or any bee that has problems. PLEASE NOTE: 100% of this video is the exclusive work of Frederick Dunn and no permissions have been granted for use elsewhere. Thank you for respecting that. These sequences complete, or in part, may not be reproduced or used in any form or in any format without express written permission from Frederick Dunn. You may be wondering what survivor line stock I'm using? I'm glad you asked! I get them from BeeWeaver, I pay for them like everyone else and they did not give me any concessions to mention them at all. Here is a link to their website where you can read more about a line of honey bees that have not been treated for varroa since 2001, that's right, 2001! These beekeepers are way ahead of the game and these bees are the result of the survivor approach: I've been working with their honey bees since 2007 and couldn't be happier. Tell them Frederick Dunn sent you and I'll still have to pay the same as everyone else!
The Life Cycle of a Honey Bee | The First 21 Days of Honey Bee's Life
How Bees Choose Their Queen

How Bees Choose Their Queen

Have you heard of royal jelly? It may sound like a fancy breakfast topping, but for bees, it’s what makes all the difference between a queen and a worker bee. See what all the buzz is about in this new SciShow video hosted by Hank Green! ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Justin Lentz, David Campos, John Szymakowski, Peso255, Jeremy Peng, Avi Yaschin, and Fatima Iqbal. ---------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: Or help support us by becoming our patron on Patreon: ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Sources:
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